Thursday, 7 August 2014

What's wrong with me ?

A friend of mine asked , "So , what is actually wrong with you? "
I stayed quiet for a long while , the silence was real long , , I did not know what I should say , the question was a bit weird to me .. I looked at her blankly and asked , "What makes you think that something is wrong with me ? "
She said , " Oh , C'mon .. its obvious .. You are always sad , you write sadness , you sound depressed , your words , they are always cruel and painful , what is actually wrong ?"
I got the question finally , playing with my fingertips I said , "I am attracted to pain , I don't know why , but sadness calls me .. You see , I start writing about some normal stuff but somehow it always ends up on a sad note or ending .. I am not sad I like sad .. Just as someone loves colors and happiness same as I find escape in darkness .. I am not depressed you know I am blessed .. You don't get to feel sorry for anyone who finds darkness and sadness more attractive than any other thing "


  1. This makes perfect sense like "I'm not a sad person, I just write sad things." It is honestly brilliant the way you summed it up.

    1. Thakyou .. Yeah that is the issue with many of us :)
